Support from our specialized lawyer for your questions about the franchise agreement
The basis for the agreemeents between the franchisor and the franchisee is the franchise agreement.
The content of the franchise agreement can significantly determine your success as a franchisor or franchisee. This is because the provisions in the franchise agreement have a direct influence on you autonomy/entrepreneurial freedom, the continuity of your business and the return on your franchise activities.
– As a franchise organization (franchisor) you develop a franchis formula. You give franchisees the right to use the developed business concept.
– As a franchisee, you contract with a franchise organization. This is to get the right to operate a franchise business based on the franchise formula.
Our franchise attorney (lawyer) will gladly offer you clarity and proactive legal support with your questions about the franchise agreement. Your company, your interests and your plans are paramount.
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Franchise law & contracts support in 3 easy steps
1 Tell us what we can do for you
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2 Service & strategy
3 Assistance from your personal specialist
Your interest in the franchise agreement
Our franchise attorney will meet you and ask you questions about your company and interests. Based on what you tell us, we show you your interests and your legal position. We do this apllying our specialist knowledge of franchise and contract law, our inventiveness and our specific experience with franchise issues to your situation.
Franchise contractquestions and solutions
Our specialist will make it clear to you what your legal questions and points of attention are for the franchise agreement to be drawn up or already concluded. In our legal franchise advice we will discuss with you how we can – if desired – solve your legal questions and seize opportunities. Based on your answers to our questions, we adjust our services to your specific situation.
Franchise agreement advice
Pep Legal offers proactive strategic legal franchise support, focused on short-term and long-term interests for your company.
Legal support on franchise
Our franchise lawyer (attorney) helps franchisors and franchisees with legal advice and guidance with:
- drafting of the franchise agreement and other specific franchise documents
- adjusting the franchise agreement, for example due to changed regulations
- cancellation and termination of the franchise agreement
- disputes about the franchise agreement
- franchise contract management
- preventing and conducting legal proceedings concerning the franchise agreement
Pep Legalhelps you with you franchise agreement and documents and if you wish with the legal structure of your organization in the Netherlands.
During the draftingof the franchise agreement and other franchise documents you will have contact with your franchise lawyer.
Law firm Pep Legal also offers long-term proactive strategic legal franchise support through franchise advisory processes.
Pep Legal thinks along with you in areas such as marketing, sales, communication, location choice, recruitment and support of franchisees.
For specific activities such as a commercial plan, a financial plan, marketing and sales support, recruitment and selection of franchisees, brand name registration, store selection, etc. Pep Legalhas the connections to put you in contact with honest professionals.
(read more about the franchise consulting program for franchisors).
Each franchise agreement can contain different topics. The following topics are almost always reflected in the franchise agreement:
- franchise contracting parties
- franchise formula, the franchise right and intellectual property
- territory of the franchisee
- fee structure
- duration of the franchise agreement
- termination of the franchise agreement
- franchise obligations franchisor
- franchise obligations franchisee
- developing and adjusting the franchise formula by the franchisor
- non-competition clause
- confidentiality clause
- franchiseprivacy
- link with the franchise manual
- if applicable link with the commercial propery rental
- dispute regulation
However, a professional franchise contract contains more topics and provisions. This is to make agreements on various important topics. Such as topics that have a direct influence on the coninuity of the business and the return on franchise activities.
Pep Legalthinks with you in areas such as marketing, sales, communications, location selection, recruitment and franchisee support.
For specific work, such as a commercial plan, a financial plan, marketing and sales support, recruitment and selection of franchisees, brand name registration, establishment selection, etc., Pep Legalhas the connections to put you in touch with professionals of integrity.
Read client stories about Pep Legal here:
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Specialist knowledge of and experience with the franchise agreement
Our specialized franchise attorney continually assists start-up and reputable franchisors with respect to franchise agreement drafting and amendments.
We also assist franchisors and (collectives of) franchisees with questions concerning the annulment, termination or dissolution of a franchise agreement.
Because of that extensive experience, you know that we can apply our knowledge to your situation to your specific question about the franchise agreement.
We oversee the importance and impact that the contents of the franchise agreement may have on your business.
Your legal partner in shaping the franchise agreement
Franchisors who have been supported by Pep Legal in the drafting of the franchise agreement and with franchise advice when starting to franchise, consult Pep Legalon a regular basis on new franchise developments and legal questions.
The same is true for franchisees: it is more common for Pep Legalto assist franchisees in dissolving the franchise agreement and selling the franchise business, and later to assist those entrepreneurs when they want to build a franchise organization and become franchisors.
For both franchisors and franchisees, Pep Legal is the franchise attorney and legal partner for questions about their franchise agreement. Pep Legal would like to get to know you as well.
Connect with us
Jorg van de Peppel – Dutch Franchise Lawyer
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Pep Legal – franchise lawyer: advocaat en specialist franchise- en contractenrecht
Franchisor attorney
Franchise starting lawyer
Franchiseovereenkomst advocaat
Franchisee lawyer
Franchise lawyer
Franchisestart advice
Franchisegever juridisch advies
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