Meet the franchise lawyer of Pep Legal. A driven lawyer in franchise law, who assists franchisors and franchisees with clear legal aid. Solution-oriented.
Franchise lawyer
Contract lawyer
Jorg van de Peppel
franchise lawyer The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)85 – 800 70 70
M: +31 (0)6 – 18 59 60 65
“Thinking in solutions for legal franchise issues can have
a direct effect on the success of a franchisor or a franchisee.”
Jorg van de Peppel,
franchise lawyer at Pep Legal
Jorg van de Peppel is founder of Pep Legal and franchise lawyer
Jorg founded the law firm Pep Legal in the spring of 2018.
Jorg has been a lawyer since 2010. He graduated from Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen in 2009. In 2017 Jorg completed the high-quality Grotius-specialization course in National and International Contract Law cum laude.
Jorg is franchise lawyer of franchisors and franchisees. Active in various industries: business services, food, retail, product sales, healthcare, redidential, fashion, travel and leisure industry.
Jorg has registered the following areas of law in the register of legal areas of the Dutch Bar: – contract law, agency law, distribution law (which also includes franchise law).
According to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association, he obtains ten training/education credits in the principal area of law each calendar year.
Presentations, workshops and lectures
Jorg gives presentations and workshops on franchise law in The Netherlands and franchise relationships to the business relations and clients of Pep Legal.
In addition, Jorg has been giving lectures on franchise law in The Netherlands to university students and to other lawyers since 2018.